We are now counting down to the 107th summer show and are looking forward to seeing how our competitors have risen to the challenges brought by the strange weather we have had this year. Plenty of rain and a late / non-existent spring have made 2013 a unique year and will be pushing growers to their limits of inventiveness and resourcefulness in preparing for this year’s show.
The wet weather has hopefully been conducive to home preserve making and creative crafts, so we are expecting high quality entries in these areas. If you have never entered before, why not enter a novice class, open only to first-time entrants?
Now is the time to renew your subscriptions and our street helpers should have been in touch recently to remind you of this. You can also access the subscription form to renew your membership.
If the late spring has left you feeling in need of a belated spring clean and clear out, this is your opportunity to bid farewell to any unwanted bric-a-brac, books, bottles or plants. These can be brought along on the morning of the show and left in the porch of the hall.
We are always grateful to receive offers of help, both in the days leading up to the show and on the day itself. Just drop us a line at enquiries@petershamhorticulturalsociety.org.uk and let us know how you would like to help.
Make the most of the dry weather between now and the show. A wise man was recently heard to say that the difference between RHS Chelsea and RHS Hampton Court is the finger nails of those attending. We are expecting to see lots of gardening finger nails on the day of the show! It starts at 2:15pm on 6th July 2013
We look forward to seeing you on the day. Happy growing, cooking and creating!