The front cover of The Christmas Ladies’ Home Journal from 110 years ago. Some inspiration perhaps for your wreath?
As the frosts begin to form and the wind strips the last leaves from the trees the glorious 2016 summer show seems very far away, so it’s time to turn gardening minds to festive activities.
With the very generous support of our friends at Petersham Nurseries, the PHS is once again holding a wreath-making demonstration at Petersham Nurseries on Thursday 15 December 2016, 10.30am-12pm, led by the wonderful Thomas Broom (some of you may remember his AGM lecture and demonstration from a couple of years ago)
The workshop is entirely free to PHS members, but we would be grateful if you would sign up for a ticket at this link, so we can keep track of numbers; anybody wanting to sign up will need the password ‘PHSXmas16’ to register their ticket. We hope you’ll be able to join us!
Looking ahead too, please do put the Annual Lecture and AGM date into your diaries; Tuesday 14 March 2017 at 7pm. We’ll be advertising our speaker closer to the date itself but it promises to be a fascinating talk; once again, the event is free to members.
As ever, if you are interested in knowing more about what the PHS committee does when we’re not in show mode, and getting more involved in running the show and our other events, please do drop me an email!
(With apologies for the update delay on the website — all down to the President losing her log-in details for the site, amongst the many (conflicting!) passwords she has to remember!)