Category: PHS
Getting ready for the show!
We are looking forward to this year’s show and hope that as many of you able to enter an exhibit are preparing for Saturday. We have had a few requests re guidelines for some of the more “unusual” classes and in the spirit of being open to all with the…
AGM 2012
The Petersham Horticultural Society welcomed Spring with a Talk and AGM on Tuesday 27th March at the Petersham Village Hall, Bute Avenue; 7.30 – 9.00pm Louise and James Cavanagh provided a practical and informative talk on Lunar planting – what is it and does it work? The history of allotments – how they…
Our Brave New Blog site
Welcome to the new Petersham Horticultural Society website We’ve spent a while creating a new home for ourselves on the web. Please help us and let us know how we can make this work as your link into the Petersham Horticultural Society.
106th Summer Show on Saturday 7th July at 2.15pm
The Petersham Horticultural Society is delighted to announce its 106th Summer Show that will be held in the Petersham Village Hall, Bute Avenue on Saturday 7th July at 2.15pm. Please plan to join us and have fun by entering one of the classes – Flower, Fruit, Vegetables, Compost, Photography, Cookery, Arts and Crafts – open to all…
Horticultural Society Autumn Events 2011
Petersham Horticultural Society is hosting two events for its members (and neighbours) during September as part of the Royal Horticultural Society’s (RHS) Dig Together Day. This national campaign, organised by the UK’s leading gardening charity, the RHS, celebrates the nation’s gardening knowledge. This year, more clubs than ever will be…
104th Summer Show 2010
104th Summer Show & Fete July 2010: Winners & Photos The 2010 show proved to be as popular as ever. Congratulations to all prizewinners Prize Winners Full details of prizewinners can be found here: Summer show Results 2010.pdf . Photos The photographer was for the day was Matthew-Shard and you…
Getting ready for the show!
We are looking forward to this year’s show and hope that as many of you able to enter an exhibit are preparing for Saturday. We have had a few requests re guidelines for some of the more “unusual” classes and in the spirit of being open to all with the…
AGM 2012
The Petersham Horticultural Society welcomed Spring with a Talk and AGM on Tuesday 27th March at the Petersham Village Hall, Bute Avenue; 7.30 – 9.00pm Louise and James Cavanagh provided a practical and informative talk on Lunar planting – what is it and does it work? The history of allotments – how they…
Our Brave New Blog site
Welcome to the new Petersham Horticultural Society website We’ve spent a while creating a new home for ourselves on the web. Please help us and let us know how we can make this work as your link into the Petersham Horticultural Society.
106th Summer Show on Saturday 7th July at 2.15pm
The Petersham Horticultural Society is delighted to announce its 106th Summer Show that will be held in the Petersham Village Hall, Bute Avenue on Saturday 7th July at 2.15pm. Please plan to join us and have fun by entering one of the classes – Flower, Fruit, Vegetables, Compost, Photography, Cookery, Arts and Crafts – open to all…
Horticultural Society Autumn Events 2011
Petersham Horticultural Society is hosting two events for its members (and neighbours) during September as part of the Royal Horticultural Society’s (RHS) Dig Together Day. This national campaign, organised by the UK’s leading gardening charity, the RHS, celebrates the nation’s gardening knowledge. This year, more clubs than ever will be…
104th Summer Show 2010
104th Summer Show & Fete July 2010: Winners & Photos The 2010 show proved to be as popular as ever. Congratulations to all prizewinners Prize Winners Full details of prizewinners can be found here: Summer show Results 2010.pdf . Photos The photographer was for the day was Matthew-Shard and you…