103rd Flower July 2009
The village enjoyed fine weather for it’s annual flower show and fete held at the village hall on Saturday 4th July 2009. Face Painting was provided courtesy of Elena at www.designerfaces.co.uk.
The village enjoyed fine weather for it’s annual flower show and fete held at the village hall on Saturday 4th July 2009. Face Painting was provided courtesy of Elena at www.designerfaces.co.uk.
The 102nd Petersham Horticultural Society Village Show held on Saturday 5th July was once more a great success with hundred of entries across the classes: flowers, fruit and vegetable, cookery, arts and crafts and of course the junior classes. Reverend Tim Marwood gave out the cups and the show was…
The 101st Petersham Horticultural Society Village Show luckily fell on one of the rare dry and sunny days in July 2007. Despite the miserable weather leading up to the Show entries were good and there was an excellent turnout of produce for the flowers, fruit and vegetable classes. Thee Cookery…
The village enjoyed fine weather for its annual flower show and fete held at the village hall on Saturday 4th July 2006. Pictures are courtesy of Matthew Shard who is a local photographer. You can see more pictures at www.matthew-shard.co.uk and also order prints.