Welcome to the Petersham Horticultural Society

Petersham Horticultural Society was founded at the turn of the 20th Century. This most traditional community organisation, upholds the local area's ongoing enthusiasm for growing, planting and crafting. The Petersham Horticultural Society is a not-for-profit organisation run by local volunteers committed to continue its mission to encourage and enthuse families to enjoy gardens and green spaces.
2019 Petersham Flower Show Cups Results!
Hello, we seriously hope you enjoyed the show, we certainly did. A few bumps and lessons along the way, sorry about that, but the good news is that we can now report the results for the cups! The Worshipful Company of Gardeners’ Certificate of Merit in Horticulture The winner of…
Online Entries system
Hi everyone, If you were previously a member, or entrant who has agreed to the terms and agreed for us to retain their details, you should have received an email to invite you to create a password for our new online entries system. If you are not in the above…
PHS’s wonderful tour of Chelsea Physic Garden
Today we visited the beautiful Chelsea Physic Garden today. Wet the weather might have been but it did not dampen the spirits of the group who were guided round by Our guide Anne. We learnt about the history of the garden and a bit about it’s wonderful collection of plants….
Kew Adventures
15 lucky children and their parents were treated to a lovely day at Kew Gardens. They were guided to the educational area by the lovely Auntie planty (https://auntieplanty.co.uk/) who told us lots about the trees and plants on the edge of the lake. Georgina then helped the children make terrariums…
2019 Show Schedule is here!
Hello, We’ve finally managed to upload the show schedule to the website Looking forward to seeing you soon. Also, feel free to register for our new entries system at https://entries.petershamhorticulturalsociety.org.uk , you can create your entries online, and pay for them when you bring them to the show (Online payment…
Small beginnings
What a lovely afternoon we had in the Sea Scouts Field the other week. Many families came to see us and many seeds were planted. It was lovely to see the enthusiasm of the children as they took their treasures home…. My children have been delighted to watch the first…
Spring is starting showing its head…
Both the seed catalogs, ploping on my door mat, and inspirational chats phs members at our recent pub get together are causing me some serious mind wondering this month….. what to plant and when. A dilemma for all gardeners! I have also been trying to get some more activities for…
First pub trip of the New Year
It was lovely to see so many people in the New Inn last night. Great to hear of clearing beds and bonfires and plans for the Spring. I for one, have been encouraged to find some blue fleshed potatoes called blue Shetland – my first attempt at potato growing. The…
Thoughts of a exciting year….
The show which is in its 113th year (6th July 2019) encourages both the novice and experienced, adults and children alike, to have a go at entering their vegetable produce, flowers, baking and handicraft with the lure of winning a rosette or better still one of the coveted trophies. The…
Hello from from the new President
And so begins my my time guiding the Petersham Horticultural Society. Watching the rain being buffeted by a keen wind my mind is turning to what the next year has in store for us Petersham gardeners. Personally the challenge to remember that from small seeds big plants grow and jungles…