Welcome to the Petersham Horticultural Society

Petersham Horticultural Society was founded at the turn of the 20th Century. This most traditional community organisation, upholds the local area's ongoing enthusiasm for growing, planting and crafting. The Petersham Horticultural Society is a not-for-profit organisation run by local volunteers committed to continue its mission to encourage and enthuse families to enjoy gardens and green spaces.
Annual Lecture 2023 Announced: 8th June at 7pm at St Andrew’s Church Hall.
Rosie Fyles, Head Gardener of Chiswick House will present a lecture entitled ‘Gardening for the future – how Chiswick’s historic gardens continue to grow’. Sponsored by The Dysart. Please see our Events Page for more details. No need to book just turn up on the night. Non-Members £5, Members Free
2023 Show Schedule now available
Hello there, Finally we have published the Show Schedule for 2023, and the Junior Schedule, ready for you wonderful entries in July. Don’t forget it’s easier to enter the Petersham Horticultural society show online PS Please don’t forget our NEW LOCATION at The Russell School Petersham for this year! We…
News Flash
The Date of the show has changed to the 1st July and will be held in the Russell School Petersham. As you can imagine it’s been a bit of a busy spring so far for the Petersham Horticultural Society Committee. The owners of the “Petersham Village Hall” gave us notice that…
The 2022 Summer Show is a week away – Hope you are getting ready…..
The Committee has been getting everything in place for this years show to be a wonderful day out for all the family on the 9th July 2022. Please see Show Schedule (pdf) for the finer details and to be inspired about what you and a your family can enter –…
We have a new home!
Hello everyone, we have a new home, and welcome. It’s a lot easier to type, we used to be http://www.petershamhorticulturalsociety.org.uk, I can tell you I used to mistype it a lot, Now we are https://horti.org.uk ! the future is here Same Petersham Horticultural Society, new URL Please note our entries…
A reminder – Come and hear about ancient trees – 7.30pm next Thursday 19th May 2022!
Come pick up your new membership card and join us for a drink from 7pm. 7.30pm lecture by Jamie Simpson on “Ancient Trees in Richmond Borough” at Petersham Village Hall, Bute Avenue (off Sudbrook lane), TW107AX We also look forward to seeing you (and your entries) at the Summer Show…
“Have A Go” Show on 3rd July 2021
Petersham Horticultural Society Annual Flower Show – 3rd July This year again Covid has stopped us having are traditional flower show in the Village Hall on Bute Avenue. However, the committee is determined to spread some horticultural joy this year by running an exhibition along Petersham Road in the the…
2020 AGM
Hi there, 2020 was a bit of a washout with Covid 19 putting paid to _everything_ we wanted to do. However, the good news is we have a zoom AGM, please contact me on president@petershamhorticulturalsociety.org.,uk if you do not have an invitation. Please find attached here the documents for the…
The 114th Summer Show 2020 -CANCELLED
It is with a heavy heart that I write this email to officially inform you that our wonderful Summer Show will not be able to take place next month on the 4th July due to restrictions imposed to control COVID 19. This spring has seen so many diary entries diaries crossed…